Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range

High character
High concept
High violence

Bug Huntin' Home
Human Heroes
Alien Heroes
Militant Species

In the course of evolution, intelligence seems a last resort, a desperate gambit of a species that has little else to maintain its place. Intelligent beings are weak in body, their clever minds the only means of survival against the cruel natural world.

Alien Hero Creation

The hundreds of intelligent species in the known galaxy are mostly poor in physical abilities, but highly advanced mentally and culturally. Each hero's alien species receives 35 Alien Species Points, representing the species' advantages over the statistical norm. The baseline alien species has these attribute limits:

STR 3-8
DEX 3-8
CON 3-8
INT 6-12
WIL 4-11
PER 6-12

Alien Species Points can be spent on increased attributes or special abilities:

STR Increase I 10 Alien has a maximum STR of 10. With a STR of 10 and either DEX 12, CON 12, Increased Metabolism or Hyper Metabolism, the alien can be a Combat Spec.
STR Increase II 20 Alien has a maximum STR of 11.
DEX Increase I 5 Alien has a maximum DEX of 9.
DEX Increase II 10 Alien has a maximum DEX of 11.
DEX Increase III 20 Alien has a maximum DEX of 13.
CON Increase I 5 Alien has a maximum CON of 9.
CON Increase II 10 Alien has a maximum CON of 11.
CON Increase III 20 Alien has a maximum CON of 13.
INT Increase I 10 Alien has a maximum INT of 14.
INT Increase II 20 Alien has a maximum INT of 15.
INT Increase III 30 Alien has a maximum INT of 16.
WIL Increase I 10 Alien has a maximum WIL of 13.
WIL Increase II 20 Alien has a maximum WIL of 15.
PER Increase I 10 Alien has a maximum PER of 14.
PER Increase II 20 Alien has a maximum PER of 15.
Psionics I 10 The alien may become a talent or a Diplomat/Mindwalker. He may learn one psionic broad skill and up to three specialty skills. He has a psionic energy score equal to half his WIL score.
Psionics II 20 The alien may become a Mindwalker. As a Mindwalker he may learn two psionic broad skills and any number of specialty skills. He has a psionic energy score equal to his WIL score, or half as a talent or Diplomat/Mindwalker.
Psionics III 30 The alien may become a Mindwalker. As a Mindwalker he may learn any number of psionic broad or specialty skills. He has a psionic energy score equal to 1.5 times his WIL score, or equal to WIL as a talent or Diplomat/Mindwalker.
Cybernetics I 5 The alien may have cyber-gear installed, and has a cyber tolerance equal to half his CON score.
Cybernetics II 10 The alien may have cyber-gear installed, and has a cyber tolerance equal to his CON score.
Cybernetics III 20 The alien may have cyber-gear installed. He has a cyber tolerance equal to his CON score +4, and is not subject to cykosis. The hero begins play with two pieces of cybergear up to a maximum size of 3.
Ordinary Advantage 10 The alien species has one ability described as an Ordinary Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute.
Good Advantage 20 The alien species has one ability described as a Good Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute.
Amazing Advantage 30 The alien species has one ability described as an Amazing Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute.
Skill Increase 5 - 35 The alien has extra skill points equal to the number of Alien Species Points saved.

An alien may not increase his Alien Species points beyond 35 by any means.

After defining the alien species, an alien has 55 points to distribute among his attributes. Aliens have no free broad skills. They gain an extra 6 possible broad skills, and add 20 skill points to those available due to Intelligence and saved Alien Species points.

Aliens may not learn the broad skills Heavy Weapons or Unarmed Attack, or the specialty skill infantry tactics. These are physical and behavioural limits which cannot be paid off in skill points. Only aliens with a species DEX limit of 11 or more may learn the broad skill Stealth, and both the broad and specialty skills cost 1 more skill point for aliens.

Each alien species has 0-7 legs, 1-6 eyes and 1-3 arms. Their skin, eyes and other features are coloured as follows (roll d6):

1 Red
2 Orange
3 Yellow
4 Green
5 Blue
6 Purple

Other features are checked on d4:

1 Hair
2 Spots
3 Stripes
4 No skin features

Two heroes may be of the same alien species. The heroes must both have the same allocation of Alien Species Points and the same appearance. For Psionics I or II, they must have the same psionic broad skills. For Cybernetics III, they must have the same free cyber-gear. It is also possible for two aliens with the same allocation of Alien Species Points to be of different species.