Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range

High character
High concept
High violence

Bug Huntin' Home
Sentient Species
The Wrack
The Just

After uncounted years of chaos, Humanity's former house-servants, labourers and clowns begin hesitantly to find their own destiny amid a colder, more uncertain galaxy.

Hero Creation

The thousands of intelligent species in the known galaxy each have their special aptitudes, but can only hope to approach the abilities of Humans.

Each hero's Sentient species receives 35 Species Points, representing the species' advantages over the statistical norm. The baseline Sentient species has attribute limits of 3-10 in each attribute. Sentient Species Points can be spent on increased attribute limits or special abilities:

STR Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum STR of 11.
STR Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum STR of 13.
STR Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum STR of 15.
DEX Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum DEX of 11.
DEX Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum DEX of 12.
DEX Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum DEX of 13.
CON Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum CON of 11.
CON Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum CON of 12.
CON Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum CON of 13.
INT Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum INT of 11.
INT Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum INT of 12.
INT Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum INT of 13.
WIL Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum WIL of 11.
WIL Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum WIL of 12.
WIL Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum WIL of 13.
PER Increase I 5 Sentient has a maximum PER of 11.
PER Increase II 10 Sentient has a maximum PER of 12.
PER Increase III 20 Sentient has a maximum PER of 13.
Cybernetics I 5 The Sentient may have cyber-gear installed, and has a cyber tolerance equal to half his CON score.
Cybernetics II 10 The Sentient may have cyber-gear installed, and has a cyber tolerance equal to his CON score.
Cybernetics III 20 The Sentient may have cyber-gear installed. He has a cyber tolerance equal to his CON score +4, and is not subject to cykosis. The hero begins play with two pieces of cybergear up to a maximum size of 3.
Ordinary Advantage 10 The Sentient species has one ability described as an Ordinary Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute or a psionic ability.
Good Advantage 20 The Sentient species has one ability described as a Good Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute or a psionic ability.
Amazing Advantage 30 The Sentient species has one ability described as an Amazing Mutant Advantage, except for those which provide a permanent increase in an attribute or a psionic ability.
Speak Galactic 5 The Sentient species can speak the Galactic language of Humanity and read standard Galactic forms of script without mechanical assistance.
Skill Increase 5 - 35 The Sentient has extra skill points equal to the number of Sentient Species Points saved.

A Sentient may not increase his Sentient Species points beyond 35 by any means.

After defining the Sentient species, the player of a Sentient has 55 points to distribute among his attributes. Sentients have no free broad skills. They gain an extra 6 possible broad skills, and add 20 skill points to those available due to Intelligence and saved Sentient Species points.

Each species has the senses of touch and taste, plus three of the following: sight, hearing, smell and radio perception, as well as any additional senses that it gains using Sentient Species Points. One of the species' senses must be noted as primary and is used for most Awareness-perception checks and all actions involving reading. The same, or a different sense is denoted as secondary and used for all encounter skills. Translators can help a Sentient to use records and interact with other Sentients based on a different primary or secondary sense. If the Sentient Species has the Speak Galactic advantage, its primary sense must be sight and secondary sense must be hearing .

A Sentient's surface features are checked on d4:

1 Hair
2 Spots
3 Stripes
4 No skin features

Their skin and skin features are each coloured as follows (roll d6):

1 Red
2 Orange
3 Yellow
4 Green
5 Blue
6 Purple

Each Sentient species has 1-8 legs, 1-6 primary sense organs and 1-4 arms.

Two heroes may be of the same Sentient species. The heroes must both have the same allocation of Sentient Species Points and the same appearance, apart from skin colours. For Cybernetics III, they must have the same free cyber-gear. It is also possible for two Sentients with the same allocation of Sentient Species Points to be of different species.