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Age of Legend draws on the historical Dark Ages as a gritty, turbulent, low-tech campaign setting for AD&D 1st Edition, and as a source of detail for general campaigns.

The links to the left of the page provide equipment lists and rules for encounters that are specific to the Age of Legend.

The campaign world intersects our own at about AD 450, almost a decade after the departure of the Roman Legions from Brittannia, and a few years before the final eclipse of the Western Empire. The page for each campaign setting contains information on PC races and classes, alterations to the equipment list, and other campaign-specific notes. Where they are different, campaign-specific information overrides the general documents.

Equipping the Character

Starting Equipment
Each character begins the game with equipment acquired as part of his/her earlier training and service:
Cleric leather armour, 1 blunt weapon, Holy Symbol, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Druid leather armour, 1 weapon, mistletoe, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Fighter ringed leather armour, 1 weapon, shield (unless 2-handed weapon), dagger, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Paladin scaled leather armour, 1 weapon, shield (unless 2-handed weapon), proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Ranger ringed leather armour, 1 weapon, shield (unless 2-handed weapon), hand axe, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Magic-user 1 weapon, spellbook, proficiency equipment, clothing, 2 other items
Illusionist 1 weapon, spellbook, proficiency equipment, clothing, 2 other items
Thief leather armour, 1 weapon, picks & tools, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Assassin leather armour, 2 weapons, picks & tools, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item
Bard leather armour, 1 weapon, musical instrument, proficiency equipment, clothing, 1 other item

Proficiency equipment is a portable set of tools suitable for basic use of each non-weapon proficiency. This does not include livestock, materials or a workshop. Clothing is one set of clothes as desired, including cloak, boots, gloves, hat, belts, quivers and scabbards, belt pouches, and a backpack or haversack. Other items can be extra weapons, better armour, a riding horse, or common equipment.

Each character has a purse of 2-8sp and 2-16cp. This cash, or proceeds from the sale of starting equipment, cannot be spent on weapons or armour until one mission is completed.

The Monetary System

The basic unit of exchange is the silver denarius, drachma or schilling (sp). Copper asses (cp) are used for common transactions. Metal ingots and plate, ivory (greatly devalued in this period), salt or barter are acceptable as payment. Gold solidi (gp) of dubious purity are minted by some nations. Debased solidi (gp4, gp3, gp2) are worth either 2, 5 or 10 silver pieces, and it is common practice to test "gold" coins by biting.
10 copper pieces = 1 silver piece
2-20 silver pieces = 1 gold piece
10 silver pieces = 1 pound salt
20 silver pieces = 1 pound ivory