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Age of Legend Setting
Age of Legend: The Last Emperor (Italy 450 AD)
Each nationality gives the starting character's free languages, typical religions, typical classes, and Roman Citizenship.
Roman (Latin, one of German, Greek or Gothic; Orthodox, Gnostic or Roman; C/F/P/M/I/T/A/B; Citizen)
Italian Goth (Latin, Gothic, either German or Greek; Orthodox, Arian or German; C/F/R/T/A/B; Federate)
Venetian/Raėtian (Latin, Greek and Raėtian; Orthodox, Gnostic or Roman; C/F/P/M/I/T/A/B; Citizen)
Eastern (Greek and one other language; Orthodox, Gnostic or Roman; Citizen)
Burgundian (Latin and German; Orthodox or Arian; C/F/P/T/A/B; Federate)
Visigoth (Latin, German and Gothic; Orthodox, Arian or German; C/F/R/T/A/B; Federate)
Frankish (Latin and German; Orthodox, Arian, German or Roman; C/F/P/R/T/A/B; Federate)
Vandal (Latin, German and one other language; Arian, German or Hunnic; C/F/T/A; Barbarian)
Syrian (either Latin or Greek, Arabic; Orthodox, Gnostic, Roman or Arab; C/F/P/M/I/T/A/B; Citizen)
Egyptian (Latin and Greek; Orthodox, Gnostic or Roman; C/F/M/I/T/A; Citizen)
Sarmatian (one of Latin, German or Greek, one of Gothic, German, Slavic or Hunnic, Sarmatian; Arian, Gnostic, Slavic or Hunnic; C/F/R/M/I/T/A/B; Middle rank; Federate)
Hun (Hunnic, one of Latin, German or Greek; Arian or Hunnic; C/F/R/M/I/A/B; Middle/Upper rank; Barbarian)
Slav (one of Latin, German or Greek, Slavic, one other language; Arian, Gnostic or Slavic; C/D/F/R/M/I/T/A; Lower/Middle rank; Barbarian or Federate (Greek-speaking only))
Starting human players of other nationalities may only be Middle rank and must spend one non-weapon proficiency slot to learn either Latin, Greek or Gothic.
Each nonhuman race gives a starting character's free languages, typical classes, typical religion, and Court Allegiance.
Elf (faerie) (elven (faerie), elven (alfar), Latin, Greek, gnomish, halfling, brownie, sprite, two of: goblin, orcish, hobgoblin, gnoll; C/F/R/M/I/T/A/B; Seelie/Unseelie Court)
Elf (alfar) (elven (alfar), elven (faerie), Latin, dwarven (dvergar), halfling, sprite, kobold, goblin; typical classes; Middle rank; Solitary)
Gnome (gnomish, Latin, elven (faerie), dwarven (dvergar), halfling, goblin, burrowing mammals; C/F/I/T/A; Seelie Court/Solitary/Unseelie Court)
Dwarf (dvergar) (dwarven (dvergar), gnomish, Latin, elven (alfar), one of: kobold, goblin or orcish; typical classes; Seelie Court/Solitary)
Halfling (halfling, Latin, one of Greek, German or Gothic, gnomish, elven (faerie), brownie, goblin; C/F/R/M/T/A; Seelie Court/Solitary)
Half-elf (faerie) (human nationality: Roman, Visigoth, Frankish, Burgundian, Italian Goth, Venetian; nonhuman languages & classes as elf (faerie); any)
Half-elf (alfar) (human nationality: any German or Goth, Danish; nonhuman languages & classes as elf (alfar); any)
Half-orc or half-ogre (human nationality: Roman, Italian Goth, Venetian, Byzantine, Burgundian, Visigoth, Frankish, Vandal, Slav; half-orc or half-ogre languages and classes as 1st Edition Player's Handbook half-orc; Lower rank, except Vandal can be Middle rank; no Court or citizenship modifiers)
Cleric Orthodox Christian: any rank, Favoured; Arian Christian: any rank, Favoured; Gnostic Christian: Lower/Middle rank, Tolerated; any other: Middle rank, Persecuted.
Druid Middle rank, Persecuted.
Fighter any rank, Favoured.
Paladin Upper rank, Favoured.
Ranger Middle/Upper rank, Tolerated.
Magic-user any rank, Persecuted.
Illusionist any rank, Tolerated.
Thief Lower rank, Persecuted.
Assassin Lower rank, Tolerated.
Bard Middle rank, Tolerated.
Starting Equipment
See Age of Legend Setting.
The Monetary System
The basic unit of exchange is the silver denarius or Eastern drachma (sp). Copper asses (cp) are used for common transactions. Metal ingots and plate, ivory (greatly devalued in this period), salt or barter are acceptable as payment.
Some silver coins are debased (sp2) and worth half as much. Debased gold solidi (gp4) are minted by the Western Empire. Eastern Empire or older coins are more valuable (gp, gp2). Debased solidi (gp4, gp2) are worth either 2 or 10 silver pieces, and it is common practice to test gold coins by biting.
10 copper pieces = 1 silver piece
2 part-silver pieces = 1 silver piece
2-20 silver pieces = 1 gold piece
10 silver pieces = 1 pound salt
20 silver pieces = 1 pound ivory
Banded mail (lorica segmentata) 135sp
Breastplate (AC 7, or add 1 AC up to mail) 40sp
Gauntlets, studded/ringed leather 8sp
Greaves, metal splint 15sp
Helmet, metal cap, or part-metal with cheek guards 2sp
Helmet, metal, nasal and/or cheek guards 10sp
Horn-scaled leather (AC 7) 40sp
Leather, hardened, corselet or scale 5sp
Lizard-scale mail (AC 5) 105sp
Mail byrnie 75sp
Mail coif or aventail 15sp
Mail mittens/gloves 12/18sp
Padded 4sp
Ringed leather 30sp
Scaled leather (AC 6/AC 5 vs. missiles) 45sp
Shield, buckler 5sp
Shield, large 15sp
Shield, large/small, woven sticks (0)
Shield, small 10sp
Shield, small, wooden 1sp
Splinted leather 120sp
Studded leather 15sp
Helmets: Lose 1AC if not wearing a helmet with armour of studded, ringed, horn-scaled or metal-scaled leather, or if wearing a cap or part-metal helmet with mail or better. Lose 2AC if not wearing any helmet with mail or better. Provides AC 6 (cap/part-metal) or 4 (metal) protection to head.
Gauntlets/mail gloves: No effect on general AC, but provide AC 6 or 5 protection to hands and forearms. Manual Dexterity check penalty: -2 studded leather, -3 mail gloves, -4 mail mittens.
Unknown Armour Types (cannot be purchased or made)
Bronze plate mail (can be found as magical treasure), plate mail, field plate, full plate
Arrow, long, dozen 3sp (Elves 1sp)
Arrow, short, armour-piercing, dozen 1sp
Arrow, short, dozen 1sp
Arrow, short, single 1cp
Arrow, silver, single 2sp
Axe, hand 1sp
Axe, throwing 2sp
Axe, two-handed (as battleaxe) 7sp
Bow, composite, short 110sp
Bow, elven (as composite longbow) 300sp (Elves 60sp)
Bow, short 15sp
Caltrops, 5: 15cp
Crossbow, light 60sp
Dagger 2sp
Dart, hand 5cp
Flail, horseman's 8sp
Garrotte 2sp (Assassins 6cp)
Hammer 1sp
Javelin 5cp
Javelin, blunt 2cp
Knife 1sp
Lance (light) 9sp
Lance (medium) 6sp
Lasso, rawhide 5cp
Mace, footman's 8sp
Mace, horseman's 4sp
Quarrel/bolt, light, score 3sp
Sap 15cp
Scimitar (spatha, yataghan) 15sp
Sling & six bullets 1sp
Sling bullets, dozen 3cp
Soliferreum (iron javelin) 3sp
Spear or lance, practice 1cp
Spear, 3' to 7' 1sp
Spear, 8' to 14' 2sp
Spiked buckler 30sp
Staff sling & six bullets 9sp
Staff sling bullets, dozen 1sp
Staff, quarter (0)
Sword, bastard 75sp
Sword, broad 10sp
Sword, long 15sp
Sword, practice (any style, cutting or sparring) 1cp
Sword, short (gladius, saex) 8sp
Sword, two-handed 90sp (Elves 30sp)
Trident 6sp
Whip 3sp
Weapon makers are likely to stock these weapons. See Additional missile weapons for these weapons: blunt javelin, blunt arrows/quarrels, soliferreum.
Weapons not listed here (eg. polearms) can be commissioned from a master weapon-maker for about 3 times the cost given in the Player's Handbook (reading gp as sp), unless listed below as unknown. Wood-staved longbows can be made by elven bowyers, or by a human master bowyer with a year's startup time, and in either case cost 300sp.
Unknown Weapons (cannot be learned, purchased or made)
Arquebus etc., bombard
Bec de corbin, bill-guisarme, fauchard-fork, glaive-guisarme, guisarme-voulge, halberd, hook fauchard, Lucern hammer, man-catcher
Crossbow, heavy
Tack and Harness
Barding, full scale 1500sp
Barding, half scale 800sp
Barding, leather 150sp
Barding, studded leather or horn-scale 400sp
Bit and bridle 8cp
Full equipment, cavalry, Roman 9sp
Full equipment, North African horseman 6cp
Full equipment, steppe horseman 20sp
Halter 3cp
Harness, cart 2sp
Hipposandals, iron-soled 1sp
Pad, riding 4sp
Reins, cart etc 3cp
Saddle bags, large 4sp
Saddle bags, small 3sp
Saddle blanket 3cp
Saddle, pack 3sp
Saddle, riding, full 15sp
Yoke, horse or ox 3sp
Cavalry equipment: Roman includes saddle blanket, riding pad, small saddlebags, bit and bridle, hipposandals. North African includes saddle blanket and halter. Steppe includes saddle blanket, full riding saddle, large saddlebags, bit and bridle.
Livestock and Transport
Anchor, boat 20sp
Anchor, ship 50sp
Axle, cart or wagon, repair 20sp
Ballista, naval (2 cubit), total cost to install on bireme 500sp
Ballista, naval, repair 200sp
Barge and tow-ropes 500sp
Boat, lighter/tug 3000sp
Boat, long 150sp
Boat, small 75sp
Cart 50sp
Chariot, light, war or racing 300sp
Donkey 8sp
Galley, Liburnian (cataphract bireme) 30000sp
Galley, flagship (2 banks, 2-3 oarsmen upper bank) 45000sp
Galley, small 10000sp
Galley, river, bireme 15000sp
Galley, river, small 8000sp
Horse, light, draught or pack 20sp
Horse, light, riding 25sp
Horse, light, war, riding 150sp
Horse, medium, war, riding 225sp
Horse, quality, riding or chariot 90sp
Mule 20sp
Oar, boat 2sp
Oar, galley, first bank 7sp
Oar, galley, upper bank 12sp
Pole, barge, 20' 5cp
Pole, chariot, repair 4sp
Pony 15sp
Punt 40sp
Sail, main, large 30sp
Sail, small 20sp
Ship, horse transport, Mediterranean 18000sp
Ship, merchant or transport, Mediterranean, 2-master 15000sp
Ship, merchant, Mediterranean, small 5000sp
Ship repair, fire, 10' x 10' on one deck 1000sp
Ship repair, hull damage, waterline 1000sp
Ship repair, replace mast 500sp
Ship repair, spar/rigging damage, per mast 100sp
Ship repair, steering oar 300sp
Wagon 150sp
Wheel, cart/chariot/wagon, repair 5sp
Unknown Livestock (cannot be purchased)
Horse, heavy; elephant, Indian; camel, Bactrian
Siege Engines and Supplies: see Siege Supplies
Weapons listed as elven (elven bow, two-handed sword) can only be learned by humans if they are fighters or rangers of Slav nationality and pagan religion. The garrotte can only be learned by assassins. The khopesh can only be learned by druids. The crossbow or staff sling can only be learned by fighters of these nationalities: Italian Goth, Venetian/Raėtian, Eastern, Syrian, Slav (Greek-speaking). The trident can only be learned by fighters or thieves of Roman or Venetian/Raėtian nationality and Lower/Middle rank, or assassins.
Cleric Orthodox or Gnostic Christian: standard; Arian Christian: axe (hand), axe (throwing), dart, flail (horseman's), javelin, mace (any), quarterstaff, sling; pagan Roman: ; pagan German or Danish: mace (any), warhammer, sword (broad if Tiw, long if Frey), spear (if Odin or Sif), dagger (if Loki); pagan Slavic: ;pagan Hunnic: ;pagan Arab: .
Druid standard
Fighter any allowed; national weapons as above
Paladin standard
Ranger standard; elven weapons as above
Magic-user standard
Illusionist standard
Thief axe (hand), bow (short), club, dagger, dart, javelin, knife, mace (horseman's), quarterstaff, sap, sword (short), trident (if Roman or Venetian/Raėtian)
Assassin any allowed; garrotte, trident
Bard standard