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from Conspiracy X
"Grey evolution followed a much different path than anything seen on Earth, resulting in a race of intelligent beings that has very little in common with humanity. The ecosystems of their home planet heavily favor those beings with psychic abilities. This means that the Greys are the culmination of billions of years of evolution directed towards perfecting those abilities. Their high level of mastery of the psychic reflects this. It has also resulted in a very different form of competition of survival, one based not on fight or flight, but on mental dominance. As such, the violence that permeates everyday activities of Earth is incomprehensible to them." - Conspiracy X
Species Traits:
Psionics (Sp): All Greys can manifest the powers sending, detect thoughts and far hand at will, and telekinesis, brain lock and psychofeedback once per 10 minutes, as if the Grey was a manifester of the minimum level required for a psion to use the power. When using psychofeedback, the Grey can boost a chosen ability modifier by +2 as a free action each round. When using telekinesis, the Grey can simultaneously manifest and direct far hand without breaking its concentration. If a Grey gains levels in psion, its power points return to full each 10 minutes rather than each day.
Unspeaking: Greys do not use or comprehend spoken or written language.
Incapable of Violence: A Grey cannot make melee or ranged attacks, nor use psionic powers that cause hit point damage to other creatures. Ordinary Greys cannot use psionic powers to direct a creature to perform actions that will result in harm to the target, though heroic Greys can.
CR 2; Small humanoid; HD 1d6; hp 3; Mas 8; Init +0; Spd 30 feet; Defense 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 DEX, +1 Size); BAB +0; Grap -1; Atk none; Full Atk none; FS 5 feet by 5 feet; Reach 5 feet; SQ psionics, unspeaking, incapable of violence; AL gestalt, law; SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +4; AP 0; Rep +1; STR 6, DEX 12, CON 8, INT 16, WIS 19, CHA 11
Skills: Craft (psychic lenses) +7, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +5, Pilot +3
Feats: Aircraft Operation (Grey Saucer)
Advancement: By character class
Grey Racial Traits
- -4 STR, +2 INT, +4 WIS, -2 CHA
- Small size: +1 size bonus to AC, +4 size bonus to Hide
- Base speed 20 feet
- Psionics: All Greys can manifest the powers sending, detect thoughts and far hand at will, and telekinesis, brain lock and psychofeedback once per 10 minutes, as if the Grey was a manifester of the minimum level required for a psion to use the power. When using psychofeedback, the Grey can boost a chosen ability modifier by +2 as a free action each round. When using telekinesis, the Grey can simultaneously manifest and direct far hand without breaking its concentration. If a Grey gains levels in psion, its power points return to full each 10 minutes rather than each day.
- Unspeaking: Greys do not use or comprehend spoken or written language.
- Incapable of Violence: A Grey cannot make melee or ranged attacks, nor use psionic powers that cause hit point damage to other creatures. Ordinary Greys cannot use psionic powers to direct a creature to perform actions that will result in harm to the target, though heroic Greys can.
- Classes: For Greys, use of psionic powers is as natural as walking is for humans. The psion class is a basic class for Greys. An ordinary Grey may take psion at first level or as multiclass at any later level, and need not meet the prerequisites.
However, the skills of the Strong Hero are foreign to their evolution. Strong Hero is an advanced class for Greys. A Grey must be a heroic character, and must have a minimum STR of 11 and BAB of +2 to take levels in Strong Hero.
Heroic Greys: The Grey species does not naturally have leaders, champions or other extraordinary individuals. However, under conditions of constant extreme stress, such as contact with humans, a Grey may become insane, develop individualistic tendencies and be ostracised from psionic contact with the society of Greyworld. These Greys may be heroic supporting characters. They are extremely dangerous.
Greys with Clairvoyant abilities are vital to the Grey exploration effort as navigators.
Skills: Concentration, Navigate, Pilot, Search, Spot
Bonus Psionic Power: The clairvoyant can manifest clairvoyance at will as one of its standard powers.
Reputation Bonus Increase: +1
Wealth Bonus Increase: 0
In order to become a mad Grey, a character must first fulfil these requirements:
Race: Grey
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Skills: Bluff 3 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks, Knowledge (current events) 3 ranks
Powers: Domination
Special: Must have caused the death of a sentient being (generally by using mind-affecting psionic powers or arranging an accident)
Class Skills
The mad Grey's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (psychic lenses) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Pilot (Dex) and Research (Int).
Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Level
Powers Discovered
Attacks, Psychic Assault
Unarmed Proficiency, Favoured Enemy
Favoured Enemy (Humans), Infectious
1 x L0
Domination Focus
1 x L0, 1 x L1
1 x L0, 1 x L1, 1 x L2
Class Features
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The mad Grey does not gain any additional proficiency in weapons or armour at 1st level. Typically, the character will not be proficient with any weapons nor with unarmed attacks, and suffers a –4 non-proficiency penalty on all attacks. At 2nd level, the mad Grey becomes proficient with unarmed attacks and no longer suffers a non-proficiency penalty on such attacks.
Attacks: At 1st level, the mad Grey may attack other creatures with either physical implements or damaging psionic powers.
Psychic Assault: At 1st level, the mad Grey learns the powers inflict pain and mental blast.
Favoured Enemy: From 2nd level onwards, the mad Grey adds a bonus equal to its mad Grey level – 1 to all Bluff, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive and Spot rolls and to damage with both physical attacks and psychic powers against Greys. From 3rd level onwards, it gains a bonus equal to its mad Grey level – 2 against humans in the same categories.
Infectious Madness: From 3rd level, Greys that have been bluffed or intimidated by the mad Grey in the past round, or are under the influence of its mind-affecting psionic powers, can make attacks against creatures. Greys influenced to commit attacks do not gain new saving throws against mind-affecting powers even though such acts would normally be against their nature.
Domination Focus: A mad Grey of 4th level or above adds +2 to the DC of saving throws when it manifests the powers attraction, brain lock, charm person, domination, false sensory input, forced mindlink, lesser domination, mindprobe, suggestion or tailor memory.
Strangle: A mad Grey of 5th level deals a base 1d4 points of normal damage when it makes a successful grapple check. Since the mad Grey grips its victim by the throat, the victim cannot speak or perform verbal components of spells.