Uncle Jimbo's End of Time Blues
"All that you see is not all that there is." |
Sightings Harayadori, Japan, 22 February 1803Niagara Falls, New York State, January 1958 San Casciano, Italy, 10 April 1962 Cisco Grove, California, 4 September 1964 Dapple Grey Lane, South Los Angeles, California, 12 August 1971 Pascagoula, Missisippi, 11 October 1973 Falkville, Alabama, 17 October 1973 Stanford, Kentucky, 6 January 1976 Sayama City, Japan, 3 October 1978 Rendlesham Forest, England, 27 December 1980 Kairma, Kirghiziya, 18 May 1990 Varginha, Brazil, 20 January 1996 Baldim, Brazil, 16 October 1998 Adventure Hooks The Briefcase: In 1803, an arthropoid craft made an emergency landing off the coast of Harayadori, Japan. The local people were afraid of the unearthly white-skinned occupant and pushed the crippled scout ship back out into the Devil's Sea, where it soon sank, coming to rest on a seamount. In the early 1970s, a Soviet surveillance vessel detected a faint source of radioactivity under the ocean. Despite an interception of the signal by the US Navy, which made frenzied efforts to reach the site under a falsified 'Broken Arrow' lost nuclear weapons alert, a Soviet nuclear submarine retrieved a small case of copper-like metal. The artifact was kept under strict security until 1990, when it was stolen by organizatsiya and sold to their organised crime counterparts in California. The Briefcase is now urgently needed by a group who have captured, or rescued, a live Pascagoula being. They need the radiation source in the case to maintain the creature's life until they can negotiate with it - or to forestall an all-out assault by the arthropoids and their MI5 allies. |