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These nicknames don't reflect any lack of complexity of their language, so much as the human inability to form a number of different radio-waveforms whose consonant value is quite distinct to the Shkorch.
"Shasta", the most frequent contact, is a remarkably friendly and adaptable sort who has even entered a human vessel in person, inside a contact vehicle resembling an enlarged Type 1 Emissary.
"Shasta" Game Data
Amazing SCM
STR 10?
DEX 11
CON 11?
INT 12
WIL 14
PER 13
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 3
Durability: 11s/11w/6f/6m?
Move: Run 12, Walk 4?
Last Resort Points: 3
Achievements: Action Check Increase
Vehicle Operation (11) - land vehicle 2 (13), Knowledge (12) - computer operation (13), deduce 4 (16), Shkorchor language 4 (16), Galactic Standard language 3 (15), Life Science (12) - biology 2 (14), xenology 3 (15), Physical Science (12) - astronomy 2 (14), chemistry 3 (15), physics (13), planetology (13), Social Science (12) - xenoanthropology 4 (16), linguistics 3 (15), System Operation (12) - communications 2 (14), remote 3 (15), sensors 2 (14), Technical Science (12) - technical knowledge (13), xenoengineering 2 (14), Administration (14) - bureaucracy (14), management 2 (16), Awareness (14) - intuition 4 (18), perception 3 (17), Investigate (14) - research 2 (16), search 3 (17), Resolve (14) - mental resolve 4 (18), physical resolve 3 (17), Teach (14) - Tech Op 2 (16), Culture (13) - diplomacy 2 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 3 (16), first encounter 5 (18), Deception (13), Interaction (13) - charm 3 (16), interview 4 (17), Leadership (13) - command 2 (15), inspire 3 (16)
"Shirker" is a notably more junior and prejudiced individual, deeply uncomfortable venturing even by the proxy of an Emissary drone into areas heated for oxygen-breathing life, who apparently represents a different political grouping among the Shkorch.
"Shirker" Game Data
Good SCM
DEX 10
INT 12
WIL 11
PER 11
Action Check: 13+/12/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 1
Business (12) - corporate 2 (14), Knowledge (12) - computer operation 2 (14), deduce 2 (14), Shkorchor language 3 (15), Galactic Standard language 2 (14), Life Science (12) - xenology 2 (14), Physical Science (12) - chemistry 2 (14), Social Science (12) - xenoanthropology 2 (14), System Operation (12) - remote 2 (14), sensors 2 (14), Technical Science (12) - xenoengineering 2 (14), Administration (11) - bureaucracy 3 (14), Awareness (11) - perception 2 (13), Investigate (11) - research 3 (14), Resolve (11), Culture (11) - diplomacy 2 (13), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (13), Interaction (11) - bargain 3 (14), interview 2 (13), Leadership (11) - command 2 (13)
"Shylock", a technical and trade representative, may be the primary designer of the Emissary models.
"Shylock" Game Data
Amazing SCM
DEX 10
INT 14
WIL 12
PER 12
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 2
Business (14) - corporate 3 (17), illicit (15), Computer Science (14) - hardware 2 (16), programming 2 (16), Knowledge (14) - computer operation 2 (16), deduce 2 (16), Shkorchor language 3 (17), Galactic Standard language 3 (17), Law (14), Life Science (14) - xenology (15), Physical Science (14) - astronomy 2 (16), chemistry 3 (17), physics 4 (18), System Operation (14) - communications 3 (17), engineering 3 (17), remote 3 (17), sensors 3 (17), Technical Science (14) - invention 4 (18), juryrig 2 (16), technical knowledge 4 (18), xenoengineering 4 (18), Administration (12) - bureaucracy 2 (14), management (13), Awareness (12) - intuition 2 (14), perception 3 (15), Investigate (12) - cryptography 2 (14), research 2 (14), search 2 (14), Resolve (12) - mental resolve 2 (14), Teach (12) - Tech Op 2 (14), Culture (12) - diplomacy 3 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (14), Deception (12), Interaction (12) - bargain 4 (16), charm 2 (14), Leadership (12) - inspire 2 (14)
"Shipjack" is responsible for the Shkorch starships that visit Witch's Tit - whether as a humble port functionary or a blockading admiral remains carefully ill-defined.
"Shipjack" Game Data
Good SCM
DEX 12
INT 13
WIL 12
PER 12
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 1
Vehicle Operation (12) - space vehicle 2 (14), Knowledge (13) - computer operation 2 (15), deduce 2 (15), Shkorchor language 3 (16), Galactic Standard language 2 (15), Law (13), Navigation (13) - drivespace astrogation? , system astrogation 2 (15), Physical Science (13) - astronomy 3 (16), physics (14), Security (13) - protection protocols 2 (15), System Operation (13) - communications 2 (15), defenses 2 (15), engineering 2 (15), remote 2 (15), weapons 2 (15), Tactics (13) - space tactics 2 (15), Technical Science (13) - repair (14), technical knowledge 2 (15), xenoengineering 2 (15), Administration (12) - bureaucracy 2 (14), management 2 (14), Awareness (12) - intuition (13), perception 2 (14), Investigate (12) - cryptography 2 (14), research (13), Resolve (12) - mental resolve (13), physical resolve 2 (14), Culture (12) - diplomacy 3 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (14), Interaction (12) - bargain (13), intimidate 2 (14), Leadership (12) - command 3 (15) |