Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range

High character
High concept
High violence

Bug Huntin' Home
Night Lurkers Home


These nicknames don't reflect any lack of complexity of their language, so much as the human inability to form a number of different radio-waveforms whose consonant value is quite distinct to the Shkorch.

"Shasta", the most frequent contact, is a remarkably friendly and adaptable sort who has even entered a human vessel in person, inside a contact vehicle resembling an enlarged Type 1 Emissary.

"Shasta" Game Data
Amazing SCM
STR        10?
DEX        11
CON        11?
INT        12
WIL        14
PER        13
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 3
Durability: 11s/11w/6f/6m?
Move: Run 12, Walk 4?
Last Resort Points: 3
Achievements: Action Check Increase

Vehicle Operation (11) - land vehicle 2 (13), Knowledge (12) - computer operation (13), deduce 4 (16), Shkorchor language 4 (16), Galactic Standard language 3 (15), Life Science (12) - biology 2 (14), xenology 3 (15), Physical Science (12) - astronomy 2 (14), chemistry 3 (15), physics (13), planetology (13), Social Science (12) - xenoanthropology 4 (16), linguistics 3 (15), System Operation (12) - communications 2 (14), remote 3 (15), sensors 2 (14), Technical Science (12) - technical knowledge (13), xenoengineering 2 (14), Administration (14) - bureaucracy (14), management 2 (16), Awareness (14) - intuition 4 (18), perception 3 (17), Investigate (14) - research 2 (16), search 3 (17), Resolve (14) - mental resolve 4 (18), physical resolve 3 (17), Teach (14) - Tech Op 2 (16), Culture (13) - diplomacy 2 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 3 (16), first encounter 5 (18), Deception (13), Interaction (13) - charm 3 (16), interview 4 (17), Leadership (13) - command 2 (15), inspire 3 (16)


"Shirker" is a notably more junior and prejudiced individual, deeply uncomfortable venturing even by the proxy of an Emissary drone into areas heated for oxygen-breathing life, who apparently represents a different political grouping among the Shkorch.

"Shirker" Game Data
Good SCM
STR        ?
DEX        10
CON        ?
INT        12
WIL        11
PER        11
Action Check: 13+/12/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 1

Business (12) - corporate 2 (14), Knowledge (12) - computer operation 2 (14), deduce 2 (14), Shkorchor language 3 (15), Galactic Standard language 2 (14), Life Science (12) - xenology 2 (14), Physical Science (12) - chemistry 2 (14), Social Science (12) - xenoanthropology 2 (14), System Operation (12) - remote 2 (14), sensors 2 (14), Technical Science (12) - xenoengineering 2 (14), Administration (11) - bureaucracy 3 (14), Awareness (11) - perception 2 (13), Investigate (11) - research 3 (14), Resolve (11), Culture (11) - diplomacy 2 (13), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (13), Interaction (11) - bargain 3 (14), interview 2 (13), Leadership (11) - command 2 (13)


"Shylock", a technical and trade representative, may be the primary designer of the Emissary models.

"Shylock" Game Data
Amazing SCM
STR                ?
DEX                10
CON                ?
INT                14
WIL                12
PER                12
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 2

Business (14) - corporate 3 (17), illicit (15), Computer Science (14) - hardware 2 (16), programming 2 (16), Knowledge (14) - computer operation 2 (16), deduce 2 (16), Shkorchor language 3 (17), Galactic Standard language 3 (17), Law (14), Life Science (14) - xenology (15), Physical Science (14) - astronomy 2 (16), chemistry 3 (17), physics 4 (18), System Operation (14) - communications 3 (17), engineering 3 (17), remote 3 (17), sensors 3 (17), Technical Science (14) - invention 4 (18), juryrig 2 (16), technical knowledge 4 (18), xenoengineering 4 (18), Administration (12) - bureaucracy 2 (14), management (13), Awareness (12) - intuition 2 (14), perception 3 (15), Investigate (12) - cryptography 2 (14), research 2 (14), search 2 (14), Resolve (12) - mental resolve 2 (14), Teach (12) - Tech Op 2 (14), Culture (12) - diplomacy 3 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (14), Deception (12), Interaction (12) - bargain 4 (16), charm 2 (14), Leadership (12) - inspire 2 (14)


"Shipjack" is responsible for the Shkorch starships that visit Witch's Tit - whether as a humble port functionary or a blockading admiral remains carefully ill-defined.

"Shipjack" Game Data
Good SCM
STR                ?
DEX                12
CON                ?
INT                13
WIL                12
PER                12
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3
#Actions: 2
Durability: ?
Move: ?
Last Resort Points: 1

Vehicle Operation (12) - space vehicle 2 (14), Knowledge (13) - computer operation 2 (15), deduce 2 (15), Shkorchor language 3 (16), Galactic Standard language 2 (15), Law (13), Navigation (13) - drivespace astrogation? , system astrogation 2 (15), Physical Science (13) - astronomy 3 (16), physics (14), Security (13) - protection protocols 2 (15), System Operation (13) - communications 2 (15), defenses 2 (15), engineering 2 (15), remote 2 (15), weapons 2 (15), Tactics (13) - space tactics 2 (15), Technical Science (13) - repair (14), technical knowledge 2 (15), xenoengineering 2 (15), Administration (12) - bureaucracy 2 (14), management 2 (14), Awareness (12) - intuition (13), perception 2 (14), Investigate (12) - cryptography 2 (14), research (13), Resolve (12) - mental resolve (13), physical resolve 2 (14), Culture (12) - diplomacy 3 (15), etiquette (Galactic Concord) 2 (14), Interaction (12) - bargain (13), intimidate 2 (14), Leadership (12) - command 3 (15)