Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range

High character
High concept
High violence

Bug Huntin' Home
Night Lurkers Home


The model known as an Emissary Type 1 was multi-limbed, looking something like a calf-sized tarantula or crustacean. After some adverse reactions to this form, they have attempted to reassure their human contacts with the design of the Emissary Type 2 - not entirely successfully, since although the new model is roughly humanoid, its subtly-wrong spindly proportions, featureless head and four grasping limbs leave a disturbing impression as it approaches the base's airlock from across the frozen dark plain. Because the Emissaries are built of what the Shkorch regard as heavy metals - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sodium - with joints turning in baths of liquid hydrogen, some regrettable incidents have established that they are extremely flammable.

Up to three Emissaries at a time operate inside the surface base. They all look alike and different Shkorch might control each one at any time, though with experience, it's not difficult to notice mannerisms of the individual operating a drone.

Emissary II Game Data

PL 7 Ordinary SCM
Processor: Ordinary
Actuators: Servo (-)
Casing: Shkorchor insulated casing* (5SP)
Chassis: 2-3m (2SP)
Data ports: Telepresence, uplink, wireless (2SP)
Manipulators: 4 claws (2SP)
Propulsion: 2 legs (3SP)
Sensors: IR, tactile (5SP)

* As ablative. If the robot suffers any Mortal damage in Earth-like environments (H2 or higher, P1 or higher and atmosphere contains oxygen or oxidising compounds) it catches fire.

STR        10
DEX        8
CON        12
INT        13
WIL        9
PER        7

Durability: 12s/12w/-/6m
Movement: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3 (+d4)
#Actions: 2

Claw        5/2/1 (+d4)        d8s/d6+1w/d8+1w        LI/O

+2 INT resistance modifier vs. encounter skills
Shkorchor insulated casing: d4LI/d4HI/d4+4En

Skills Skill Points: 69 - 18 = 51
Armor Operation (10), Athletics (10), Stamina (12), Computer Science (13), Knowledge (13) - Shkorchor language 3 (16), Galactic Standard language 3 (16), Navigation (13) - surface navigation 2 (15), Physical Science (13) - chemistry (14), System Operation (13) - communications 2 (15), Interaction (7) (1SP unspent)


At considerable expense, the Concord mission has shipped in and deployed several purpose-built Orpheus -class contact probes of its own. These drones resemble a scaled-down space capsule of pre-fusion times with a cylindrical base tapering to an upright round-ended cone, totalling about 2 metres in height. Orpheus 's gravitic engine, low-power radio transponder, back-to-base mass uplink and all other systems contain no moving parts nor electrical circuits, working entirely on optical solid-state technology. Its thermal containment, rivalling the armour of some light warships in sophistication, and central quark heat sink enable the probe to maintain a closed system with near-absolute-zero thermal emissions for several weeks at a time before the probe must withdraw from contact and vent its accumulated waste heat.

Orpheus Game Data

PL 7 Ordinary SCM
Processor: Good (5SP)
Actuators: None
Casing: Heat-sealed casing** + quark heat sink*** (34SP)
Chassis: 2-3m (2SP)
Data ports: Telepresence, uplink, wireless (2SP)
Manipulators: None (-3SP)
Propulsion: Gravitic (9SP)
Sensors: Video, life recorder (-)

** As moderate neutronite
*** 4SP, $250K, Weight 8. +4 penalty to detect robot with thermal detectors.

STR        9
DEX        9
CON        14
INT        14
WIL        10
PER        8

Durability: 14s/14w/-/7m
Movement: Fly 36
Action Check: 15+/14/7/3 (+d12)
#Actions: 3

Ram        4/2/1 (+d4)        d8s/d6+1w/d8+1w        LI/O

-3 DEX resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks
+2 INT resistance modifier vs. encounter skills
Heat-sealed neutronite casing: 2d4+1LI/2d4+1HI/2d4En        Good toughness

Skills Skill Points: 72 - 49 = 23
Armor Operation (9), Stamina (14), Computer Science (14), Knowledge (14) - Shkorchor language 2 (16), Galactic Standard language 3 (17), System Operation (14), Awareness (10) - perception 2 (12), Interaction (8) (1SP unspent)