Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range
They left it out in the Oort before we crawled from the sea. The gate of Paradise. Or the mouth of Hell. |
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Species Briefing (Weren) Nature and Society Although described by the more ignorant Coke citizens as monkeys and puppies, weren are highly intelligent and have a complex history and society. (See "World of the Weren" in the Alternity Races download.) Weren in Coca-Cola's service are found as security forces, labourers, mechanics and spacehands throughout the Oasis system. Many have settled alongside humans on Oasis III, especially in the cooler sub-polar regions. Weren are much less common in Old Sol, but some have even hired on with other corporations or set out as independent traders. Coming from an advanced militaristic society, weren are polite and self-controlled. They are reserved, especially towards humans, and do not advertise their skills and motivations. Most humans have great difficulty in recognising female weren. The ignorant assume that all off-world weren are male due to their muscle tone, large tusks and physical competence. Many female weren do not correct this impression. Modern History and Goals Large numbers of weren have entered Coca-Cola's service off Kurg through the indenture system. Young weren are contracted to serve for seven years for a fixed rate of pay in Coca-Cola requisition points. The candidates are supplied by the Noble Houses of Kurg, who receive a large finder's fee. Indentured weren can either return to Kurg, or sign on as full employees on expiry of their indenture. Coca-Cola management regard this system as a polite form of slave trading. The weren see it somewhat differently, since it allows legions of hand-picked youths to learn advanced engineering, space combat and other useful arts, while observing the whole of Coca-Cola's organisation and contacting other human powers. Even the paltry Coca-Cola company scrip can be exchanged for honest e-cash. With the help of loyal Coke-trained weren and the devious human Microsoft corporation, the Noble Houses have begun a crash program of modernisation and military buildup. The clouds and snowbanks of Kurg now conceal many things that would surprise the complacent managers of Coca-Cola. You are not privileged to know the mind of the great warlords. But you know that skinny zoot-suited alien juiceheads will never get the better of the weren Noble Houses. Choose Mutations Spacer Adaptation: This is not a mutation, but the effect of growing up and spending your life in low gravity. The effects are identical to the adaptation, gravity, low Ordinary mutant advantage. The Spacer suffers no penalty in zero or low gravity, has a temporary +1 Dex increase in low gravity (0.1g - 0.7g), but suffers a +2 penalty to actions involving physical movement in high gravity. Spacers also receive Acrobatics-zero G training as a free broad and specific skill. Any weren Spacer can also be a mutant. Weren Mutants are either Natural Unique mutants or Weren Emergent mutants. Altered Mutations – Energy Absorption, Energy Metamorphosis: The mutant character selects one of these damage forms, or rolls randomly:
Minor/Major Physical Change:Most mutants have some form of physical change, and do not gain any Mutation Points for it. The Major Physical Change mutation is reclassified as a Moderate Drawback. Replace all rolls of Minor Physical Change with Major Physical Change. Weren Emergent: Those whom Coca-Cola Lockheed regards as its client species have begun to suffer the effects of raising hatchlings in deep space. All weren mutants (whether of the Emergent genotype or not) are Spacers. Determine Ability Scores Determine ability scores in order by the following rolls: Str 10+d6, Dex 4+d6, Con 9+d6, Int 4+d8, Wil 4+d8, Per 6+d6. Modify ability scores by any Spacer or mutant advantages and disadvantages. Choose a Profession and career. A weren Free Agent may have a Dexterity of 10. A weren Diplomat must have a Willpower of 10, and may have a Personality of 10. Species Abilities Weren have these advantages from the Player's Handbook: increased durability, natural attack, natural camouflage. Spacer weren do not suffer any penalty for skill checks when using high-tech items. Groundling weren suffer a penalty of +1 on skill checks when using items of PL 5 or above. This can be eliminated by paying 4 skill points. Purchase Skills See Chapter 4: Skills, with the following changes: Free Skills (Weren) Groundling: Athletics, Unarmed Attack, Melee Weapons, Stamina, Tactics, Tactics-infantry, Awareness, Interaction, Interaction-weren language. Note that Knowledge is no longer a free broad skill for groundling weren. Spacer: Athletics, Unarmed Attack, Acrobatics, Acrobatics-zero G training, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness, Interaction. Modified Skills Armor Operation-powered: Not available. Vehicle Operation-land: The character can drive two of the following: bikes (including skybikes), cars (including skycars), heavy vehicles (including grav-trucks and grav-armour), tracked vehicles. Vehicle Operation-space: The character is skilled in piloting one type of spacecraft: orbital (planetary thrusters only), light commercial (up to Light Freighter), heavy commercial, gunships (up to Scout), light naval (up to Attack/Sloop), heavy naval. Knowledge-language: English language is cost 1 Open. Weren may not begin play with other alien languages. Medical science-xenomedicine: Human: cost 3 Tech Op. Tech Science-repair: Divided into the following: New Skills Melee Weapons-staff: Cost 3 Combat Spec. Staff weapons are the quarterstaff, spear, polearm and pulse staff. Opponents with shorter weapons are treated as if under suppressive fire (+2 to skill checks to attack, unless the opponent ignores the staff weapon and automatically takes damage) Melee Weapons-thrown blade: Cost 3 CF. Requires blade. Covers the dagger, spear, hand axe, combat knife, javelin, shuriken. Modern Ranged Weapons-grenade: Cost 3 Combat Spec. Base ability Strength. Gives the equivalent of broad skill check to throw other objects. Labour: Broad skill (Str). Cost 3 Open. Specialty skills: unskilled vocation (eg. excavation) 1, semi-skilled (eg. construction) 2. Craft: Broad skill (Dex). Cost 3 Open. Specialty skills (eg. carpentry) 2, except PL 2 or lower specialties (GM's discretion) 3. Awareness-detect evil: Cost 4 Diplomat. See also Equipment: Graviton detector. Resolve-disbelieve: Cost 4 FD. Resolve-resist drugs: Cost 4 CF. Resolve-contest of will: Cost 3 CD. This is a near-mystical struggle for mental superiority in preparation for battle. A proficient character can force a contest of will on a single opponent, or the commander of an opposing force, providing the two are in sight of each other and within weapon range. Buying Specific Skills at Higher Ranks PCs can increase a skill by one rank per level (maximum rank 2 at 1st level, 4 at 2nd level etc.) Rank 3 cannot be purchased at 1st level. Select Perks and Flaws Modified Perks and Flaws Alien Artifact: Not available Noble House: 2 skill points cost. The weren is descended from a ruling clan. As well as increased respect from weren of Feudal motivation, Noble characters gain a permanent –1 bonus to Leadership skills. Powerful Ally/Powerful Enemy: Replace with Noble House Involvement or Corporate Involvement (no cost). The character has done secret and sensitive work for his/her Noble House, Coca-Cola or Microsoft. While he/she can call on favors and assistance, the character is also marked by human intelligence services as an agent of that bloc. Reckoner: 2 skill points cost. The implications of this faith within weren society are described in World of the Weren. Reckoners gain one extra Wound point. Psionic Awareness: Not available. Code of Honor: For weren, this is some unusual code banning the use of certain weapons or tactics, or requiring the defence of a specific target, as agreed by the Gamemaster. Dirt Poor: Starting cash is R100-2000. A Dirt Poor weren has one debt of E10-25x1000 (5+5d4). Phobia: Provides 3/5/7 skill points. See AD&D: Spells and Magic and Skills and Powers for appropriate phobias. Choose Motivation Choose from the following, or some other suggested motivation: Idealist Moral Attitude and Character Traits: As desired Complete Character Action check (M/O/G/A), actions per round, combat movement, durability, unarmed attack damage, encumbrance (see p56), throwing distance (see p57), skill check (M/O/G/A) Starting Cash Unless stated under the Dirt Poor flaw, each weren character has R2000-110000 (1+d10x1000) and E0-9000 starting cash. Ecus may be spent on any desired equipment, but Requisition points can only be spent on smallarms, grenades, melee weapons (including the new equipment described in World of the Weren), personal armor up to PL 6, and other equipment of PL 5 or lower at a conversion rate of 2R:1E. R-points are not legal currency outside the Oasis system. Characters have the following free equipment: Characters do not gain free equipment due to their career. |