Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range
They left it out in the Oort before we crawled from the sea. The gate of Paradise. Or the mouth of Hell. |
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Approximate time line, 21st century: - Freedom space station- Manned Mars missions. Discovery of Martian fossils - Formation of Shell Rothmans Resources - Copernicus and Tsiolkovskii bases on Luna - Destiny One core module in Earth Orbit - Confirmation of Nemesis Object orbit (at this time, believed to be a gas giant planet) - Manned Jupiter and Saturn missions. Confirmation of alien life on Europa and Titan. UN declares Outer System Scientific Reserve - Lagrange Alpha core module built by Virgin Enterprises - Destiny Two built on contract by Virgin Enterprises - Discovery of Forerunner artifacts on Callisto - War of American Reformation - Merger of Sony Ford Group with Microsoft Corporation - USH secedes from Old UN - Nationalisation of American industries - Lockheed Aerospace headquarters moved to Australia - Mercenary contracting by Lockheed in South-East Asian wars - Bio-synthesiser plant built in Destiny Two by Coca-Cola Restaurant Systems Division - Copernicus Launch Base leased by Shell Rothmans - Inner Belt mining by Shell Rothmans - Europa Base built by Old UN - Merger of Coca-Cola and Lockheed - Invention of cold sleep by UN researchers - Complete deforestation of Amazon basin - Discovery of Gate and Forerunner artifacts at Nemesis Base - Forerunner Gate Key duplicated by Microsoft Research Division - First Corporate War: Lagrange Alpha and Belt mining bases declared sovereign territory by Virgin Space and Shell Rothmans. Destiny Two destroyed. Coca-Cola annexes Europa and Nemesis Base with Microsoft assistance. Low-intensity conflict continues in Inner Belt and Jupiter Orbit - Australia absorbed into USH. Beginning of major sea level change causes large-scale migrations. Disbandment of Old UN - Callisto Base built by Shell Rothmans - Exploration of Virgin by Virgin Space under European Union licence. Colonisation of Virgin II - Second Corporate War: Shell Rothmans seizes Europa and Nemesis Base. USH, European Union, China, Coke-Microsoft and Virgin Space confined to Earth Orbit - Formation of New UN Approximate timeline, 22nd century: - Exploration of an unknown number of Iterations by Shell Rothmans. First contact with weren- Breakup of Coke-Microsoft Consortium - Terraforming of Oasis III begins - Angel Incursion: Shell Rothmans sends nuclear-armed fleet to eliminate the Tower of Angels. In response, a Type 3 Angel battlecraft destroys Callisto, three Inner Belt cities, and attacks Earth - Muhammadiyah revolt in Inner Belt bases - Disbandment of Shell Rothmans Resources - Exploration of Ash, Ketann by New UN. First contact with t’sa and sesheyans - Grav-fusion cell acquired from t’sa by Microsoft - Oasis War: Oasis system and Oberon Base acquired by Coca-Cola from UN - First successful exploration of Gehenna by Microsoft. Arachne Station built - Lorelei Incident: Unauthorised entry to Nemesis 12 Iteration by a private explorer ship. Returning Lorelei crashes on Hyperion. Numerous deaths among 11 search/rescue crews. Virgin Space Security marines extract survivors. - Probe 14 incident triggered by robot probe returning from Nemesis 20 - Declaration of UN martial law at Nemesis Base. UN General Resolution passed regarding interdicted routes. Increased powers and altered rules of engagement approved for UN Space Navy - Conflict of unknown origin among t’sa of Ketann. Suspected Coca-Cola and Microsoft involvement. Establishment of Ketann Joint Development Region between UN and t’sa - Return of explorer crew from Tau Ceti. Interdiction of Tau Ceti due to reports of the Tau Ceti Object and damage to Tau Ceti II - Invention of uranium-gold fission reactor and carbon-fusion bomb by Microsoft - Virgin Space explores Pillars of Hercules. Initial report of a barren system. All further information is suppressed - Muhammadiyah leases Ash Station from UN |