Unusual Abilities of Magical Swords
Sword Intelligence and Capabilities: use Table 8-31, p.228, Core Rulebook II: Dungeon Master's Guide
Sword Alignment
Unless dictated by the sword's basic powers, roll d20:
1-3 Chaotic
4-7 Lawful
8-14 Good
15-16 Evil
17-20 Neutral
The sword can be used by any character whose alignment corresponds to that of the sword, regardless of the other component; thus, a lawfully aligned sword will serve a lawful good, lawful neutral or lawful evil bearer.
There is a chance equal to the sword's ego score on d20 that it has a subtle bias toward one or other pole of its neutral alignment. Such a sword will serve a character whose alignment is opposite to this tendency, but its ego score is effectively doubled for purposes of personality conflict. A speaking sword will certainly manifest its tendency in its suggestions, demands and gratuitous remarks.
For a character who is neutrally aligned with regard to the sword, the blade operates only as a weapon of half its basic plus value, rounded down. A +1 sword reduced in this way cannot strike creatures that are hit only by magical weapons. In a dangerous situation where a special power would work to the neutral bearer's disadvantage, there is a chance equal to the sword's ego score on d20 that the sword will activate itself.
A character who is of opposite alignment, including a character of extreme alignment taking up a neutral sword, gains up to three negative levels if he picks up the sword as described in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Sword Primary Abilities: Chaotic
1-2 Detect precious metals, kind and amount within 20'
3 Detect base metals, kind and amount within 20'
4 Detect gems, kind and number within 5'
5 Detect traps of large size within 10'
6-7 Detect magic within 10'
8 Detect life within 10'
9 Detect priests in a 10' x 60' path
10 Detect dwarves or gnomes within 60'
11 Detect goblins, orcs or hobgoblins within 60'
12-16 Detect lawful influences within 10'
17 Detect extradimensional spaces and portals within 10'
18-19 Roll twice, discounting further rolls of 18-19
20 Roll for an Extraordinary Power
Sword Primary Abilities: Lawful
1 Detect elevator rooms, shifting walls and sloping passages within 10'
2 Detect secret doors within 10'
3-4 Detect magic within 10'
5 Detect illusions within 10'
6 Detect invisible things in a 10' x 60' path
7 Detect charm within 10'
8 Detect shapechangers in a 10' x 60' path
9 Detect wizards in a 10' x 60' path
10 Detect thieves in a 10' x 60' path
11 Detect elves and faerie folk within 60'
12 Detect kobolds and mites within 60'
13-17 Detect chaotic influences within 10'
18 Locate object within 120'
19 Roll twice, discounting further rolls of 18-19
20 Roll for an Extraordinary Power
Sword Primary Abilities: Good
1 Detect traps of large size within 10'
2 Detect hidden blades and spikes within 10'
3-7 Detect evil within 10'
8 Detect shapechangers in a 10' x 60' path
9-10 Detect magic within 10'
11 Detect charm within 10'
12 Detect thieves in a 10' x 60' path
13 Detect poison within 10'
14-15 Detect undead in a 10' x 60' path
16 Detect goblins, orcs or hobgoblins within 60'
17 Detect kobolds and mites within 60'
18 Detect elevator rooms, shifting walls and sloping passages within 10'
19 Roll twice, discounting further rolls of 18-19
20 Roll for an Extraordinary Power
Sword Primary Abilities: Evil
1-5 Detect good within 10'
6 Detect precious metals, kind and amount within 20'
7 Detect gems, kind and number within 5'
8 Detect invisible things in a 10' x 60' path
9-10 Detect magic within 10'
11 Detect illusion within 10'
12 Detect extradimensional spaces and portals within 10'
13-14 Detect life within 10'
15 Detect priests in a 10' x 60' path
16 Detect elves and faerie folk within 60'
17 Detect dwarves and gnomes within 60'
18 Roll twice, discounting further rolls of 18-19
19-20 Roll for an Extraordinary Power
Sword Primary Abilities: Neutral
1 Detect elevator rooms, shifting walls and sloping passages within 10'
2 Detect traps of large size within 10'
3 Detect precious metals, kind and amount within 20'
4 Detect base metals, kind and amount within 20'
5 Detect gems, kind and number within 5'
6-7 Detect magic within 10'
8 Detect illusion within 10'
9 Detect secret doors within 10'
10 Detect invisible things in a 10' x 60' path
11 Locate object within 120'
12 Detect extradimensional spaces and portals within 10'
13 Detect priests in a 10' x 60' path
14 Detect wizards in a 10' x 60' path
15 Detect evil within 10'
16 Detect good within 10'
17 Detect lawful influences within 10'
18 Detect chaotic influences within 10'
19 Roll twice, discounting further rolls of 18-19
20 Roll for an Extraordinary Power