Uncle Jimbo's Get Mediaeval
"Downward and onward!" |
Weapon Familiarity
For Star Wars I wanted to use a variant of the weapon familiarity rules in D & D 3.5, without causing weapons to magically change in type when wielded by certain species. I've standardised the terms and mechanics that I suggested earlier for different species into two general Special Qualities: weapon familiarity and weapon choice. Weapon Familiarity Wookiee: If a Wookiee character gains the Weapon Group (blaster rifles) feat, he also receives Exotic Weapon (bowcaster). Tusken: If a Tusken character gains the Weapon Group (primitive weapons) feat, he also receives Exotic Weapon (gaderffi). Weapon Choice: General: When any character would gain the Weapon Group (blaster rifles) feat as a result of gaining a new class, he may instead gain Weapon Group (slugthrowers) or Exotic Weapon (sonic weapons). Gungan: When a Gungan character would gain the Weapon Group (blaster rifles) feat as a result of gaining a new class, he may instead gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency with either the cesta or atlatl. Other exotic weapons (such as the Rodian throwing razor) are probably either too different to relate to any existing feat, or not central enough to the species' culture to count for Weapon Familiarity. I don't know enough about Vespine to say whether the shatter gun would be allowable. |