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The Harlots of Sfyne

As the name suggests, the High Priest of Peran, King of the Gods, rules the Patriarchate of Sfyne as an independent state. Sfyne supports a major pilgrimage site to Peran that his worshippers believe grants particular benefit to noblemen.

With a steady flow of foreign knights and lords, their entourages and the gold they bring, Sfyne's long-standing tradition of vice thrives and constantly reinvents itself in an infamous variety of burlesque, prostitution, concubinage and less-definable forms of pandering.

Name: The Golden Guild

Description: Originally chartered as a guild of actors and theatre-owners, the Golden Guild has procured various exotic sexual displays and services for over two centuries and has been infiltrated by the Sisters of Delight for a generation.

Geographical Reach: Patriarchate of Sfyne

Headquarters: Craftsmen's Ward, Sfyne

Purpose: Clerical Order, Trade Guild

Deity: The Masked Lady (Ylyma)

Wealth: 10 - The Golden Guild provides select services at high prices. The organisation has shadowy sources of finance from outside the Patriarchate.

Benefits / Costs / Requirements of Joining (for each rank):
0-5 Sworn (common performers) and Shaped
6-7 Sister of Delight: Requirements: 3 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Ylyma), Entertainment broad skill, the member must complete the Unmasking.
8-9 Maker: Requirements: 6 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Ylyma), 3 ranks in any two Medical Science specialty skills
10 Master of the Golden Guild: Requirements: 5 ranks in a Business specialty skill


Name: The Silver Guild

Description: The original Harlot's Guild of Sfyne, organised for mutual assistance and protection

Geographical Reach: Patriarchate of Sfyne

Headquarters: River Ward, Sfyne

Purpose: Fighting Order, Trade Guild

Deity: Mithune of the Lamp

Wealth: 8

Benefits / Costs / Requirements of Joining (for each rank):
0 Barred: It is strictly forbidden to indulge in drugs or bring any outsider into a Guild refuge. Anyone who has broken this rule may not enter any Guild refuge in the city, though she may enter the Guildhall to receive a penance. In cases of imminent danger of death, it remains entirely in the keeper of the house's discretion to extend the Guild's protection and many will refuse to endanger their other charges for the sake of a barred person. If anything, the Silver Guild encourages stories of prostitutes murdered or seized at the door of a refuge after being barred, to impress on non-members that the rules are intended to be kept.
1 Non-guild sex worker
2-5 Guildmember: Requirements: 2 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Mithune), member must have worked as a prostitute, dues of 1 gold piece per year. Benefits: The guild provides training in the following skills: Melee Weapons-blade and bludgeon, Unarmed Attack-power martial arts, Acrobatics-defensive martial arts, Business-illicit business and small business, Knowledge-first aid
6-7 Keeper of the house: Requirements: 3 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Mithune), 3 ranks in a combat skill, 3 ranks in any two out of Knowledge-first aid and Medical Science specialties, 2 ranks in a Business specialty skill, works full-time to run a Guild refuge. Benefits: Keepers of the house receive a small stipend.
8-9 Guild official: Requirements: 4 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Mithune), 3 ranks in a Business specialty skill
10 Master of the Silver Guild

Allies: Mithuneians in the Guild of Glass and Oil


Name: The Copper Guild

Description: The Copper Guild was chartered originally to oversee the operations of taverns.

Geographical Reach: Patriarchate of Sfyne

Headquarters: Pilgrims' Ward, Sfyne

Purpose: Devotional Order, Trade Guild

Deity: Mithune of the Lamp

Wealth: 11 - Ironically enough, the Copper Guild, as an association of property owners, is easily the richest of the three guilds.

Benefits / Costs / Requirements of Joining (for each rank):
0-2 Employee
3-4 Guild bawd: Requirements: 2 ranks Knowledge-ritual (Mithune), Business broad skill. The member must own or manage a tavern, gaming-house or brothel, or be the child of a member (this requirement has given rise to a dubious "adoption" procedure, conducted by suborned priestesses of Pala, for the purpose of inducting sex workers into the Copper Guild).
6-7 Proprietor
8-9 Guild official
10 Master of the Copper Guild