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Future Gear
Most of the crunch I've put up for my Battle for the Stars PbP game is just converted GDW content or fairly obvious expansion of d20 Future/Future Tech items, but what I've made from new, I'd be glad to present:
Work Spacesuit
PL: 6
Proficiency: Light armor
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +2
Non-Proficient Bonus: +1
Max Dex Bonus: +3
Armour Penalty: -3
Speed 30 ft./20 ft.: 20 ft./15 ft.
Weight: 12 lb.
The work spacesuit has a Heads Up Display, photosensitive faceplate and visible-light work lights as standard.
Armored Spacesuit
PL: 6
Proficiency: Medium armor
Type: Tactical
Equipment Bonus: +4
Non-Proficient Bonus: +2
Max Dex Bonus: +2
Armour Penalty: -4
Speed 30 ft./20 ft.: 20 ft./15 ft.
Weight: 20 lb.
Each armored spacesuit has a Heads Up Display inside the visor, photosensitive face-plate that dampens bright lights and intense flashes, hearing protection circuits, visible-light and near-infrared work lights with a 30-foot range, low-light and near-infrared pickups that feed to the HUD through sensor links. (Note, the near-IR gear doesn't provide thermal vision, only a form of illumination that's not visible to the naked human eye.)
This one-shot, command-detonated, directional anti-personnel weapon resembles the earlier Claymore mine but releases a horizontal fan of white-hot plasma jets rather than metal projectiles. Its primary area of effect is a 40-foot-long cone, the standard 90 degrees wide. Anyone near the weapon also is at hazard from stray plasma drops and molten casing pieces, so it must be emplaced facing the desired area before use, requiring a Demolitions check.
PL: 7
Damage: 4d8/1d10
Critical: -
Damage Type: Fire
Area of effect: 40 ft. cone/10 ft. burst
Reflex DC: 15
Size: Small
Weight: 2lb.
(I've made some changes to the stats posted earlier. And, yes, I'm aware that it still has nothing like the area of effect of the real-world weapon - it's scaled to the d20 Modern frag grenade stats, which are equally nerfed.)
PL 6 Integral 30mm Grenade Launcher High Explosive/Armor Piercing
Attach this weapon as a gadget to a long-arm to provide the Fusion Age rifleman with his own anti-vehicle attack. High Explosive/Armor Piercing warheads, used by many of today's anti-tank weapons, use a shaped charge to burn through armor plate while releasing relatively little of the blast energy to the sides.
Damage: 4d6 (direct hit)/2d6 (burst)
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Concussion
Burst Radius: 10 ft.
Reflex DC: 15
Range Increment: 70 ft.
Rate of Fire: S
Magazine: 3 internal
Magazine Weight Loaded: 3 lb.
To determine stats for variant weapons, use the following gadgets:
Heavy Damage Variant: Increase the damage of the weapon by +2. This gadget can only be applied to direct-fire ranged weapons. Even if the weapon also deals burst damage, its burst damage does not increase. The weight of a heavy damage weapon typically increases by about 20%. Purchase DC: +1
Big Game Variant: Increase the damage of the weapon by +3. This gadget can only be applied to direct-fire ranged weapons that do not cause burst damage. The weight of a big game weapon typically doubles. Purchase DC: +4
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the heavy damage and big game gadgets are intended to work with the d20 Future stats for widely different classes of weapons. They represent different models of each weapon with different sizes of projectiles or heightened energy output. They replace - not stack with - listings that give different damage for different manufacturers or calibres of ammunition.
Sniper Variant: Increase the range increment of the weapon by 50%. This gadget can only be applied to direct-fire ranged weapons that do not cause burst damage. Sniper weapons may not have the alternate weapon, autoloader, compact or miniaturized gadgets. Purchase DC: +2