Uncle Jimbo's Get Mediaeval
"Downward and onward!" |
Some people have criticised d20 CoC for giving non-combat characters increases in combat power. Rather than running around crying "broken system, I wasted my money", I ask, if you don't like it, why put up with it? Suggestion: Base Attack Bonus does not increase by level. Since there is no longer any such thing as an Offensive character, there is no need for a Defensive option to balance it. All characters have the saving throw progression of an Offensive character. Class Defence bonuses are not used. All references to Base Attack Bonus, such as feat prerequisites, now refer to the character's total of unnamed bonuses that increase his attack roll. Note that STR and DEX do not confer unnamed bonuses, they confer Strength or Dexterity modifiers. Also note that the Weapon Focus feat confers an unnamed bonus that applies only to one weapon. In order to generalise the character backgrounds from H. P. Lovecraft's Arkham, a character may buy any feat that does not have any prerequisites for 5 Skill Points. Characters can advance their combat power by the Weapon Focus feat and the following new feats: Blooded Veteran Killer Warhound Walking Death |