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Bag of Bones: This bag is often made from the skin of a domestic animal, such as a dog, horse or cow. A person reaching into the bag feels a hard, rough-edged object. If this is taken out and thrown to the ground, it unfurls into a skeleton which serves the command of the person who drew it out for 10 minutes, or until destroyed or ordered to return to the bag.
The type of skeleton produced is random:
Skeleton type
Dog (Small quadruped, speed 40 feet, 1 bite +0 melee 1d4)
Goblin (Small humanoid)
Human (Medium humanoid)
Ogre (Large humanoid)
Ox (Large quadruped, speed 40 feet, 1 hoof +2 melee 1d6+4)
Up to three skeletons can be produced from the bag each day.
Bag of Useful Objects: This bag appears as a large belt-pouch, small haversack or similar item common to travellers. Anyone carrying the bag who asks for an item, then reaches inside, will find the object that he requested ready to hand. The bag operates up to five times per day.
The item will produce any item listed on the Adventuring Gear, Class Tools and Skill Kits, Clothing, Containers and Carriers - Dry Goods, and Containers and Carriers - Liquids lists that costs less than 45gp.
The bag has a dim, malicious intelligence, which enjoys twisting requests for items not covered by the bag's enchantment. If asked for a weapon, it produces a Tiny-size artisan's tool instead (Tiny-size simple weapon, 1d3 damage, -2 penalty to hit). If asked for armour, it produces an item of clothing. If asked for food or drink, it produces an empty container of suitable type.
If the user asks for a masterwork or magical item, the bag produces an object that seems to be finely made. However, the item is cursed. It performs well under every test, but when used in earnest, it either applies a -4 penalty to the user's check, breaks immediately, hits the wielder each time he attempts to use it (1d4 damage for Small objects, decrease or increase by one die class per size change), or inflicts The Shakes on anyone wearing, wielding, or eating food served from the item (contact-infection disease, DC 13, incubation 1 day, damage 1d8 Dex).
The objects produced by the bag last for 6 hours, then crumble into powder.
Bag of Sand: This small pouch is filled with the rough crystalline substance of another, more energetic plane - perhaps the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals, the desert of Eronia in Elysium, the Glitterhell in the Grey Waste, or the Astral Plane itself.
The bag is easy to open, releasing a fine waft of glittering particles. Any creature within 10 feet when the bag is opened may make a Reflex save (DC 12) to avoid breathing the dust or getting it on its skin. Those who fail this save must make a Fortitude save (DC 18).
A creature which succeeds in its Fortitude save gains 1 temporary hit point, which lasts for 1 hour after leaving the area of effect. All who fail their Fortitude saves are enraptured by strange and brilliant sensations. They fall in a stupor for a full day, as if sleeping, and likewise are helpless and unaware of their surroundings. If attacked, they have 5d4 temporary hit points and SR 15 while under the sand's influence.
A creature which has been enraptured, after recovering, may immediately touch or ingest the sand to return to a state of rapture. At the end of this second day, and each subsequent consecutive day under the sand's influence, the creature gains 1000 permanent experience points. This effect only operates the first time that a creature falls under the sand's effects.
The sand does not negate the need for food and water, though it does suppress hunger and thirst. A creature using the sand for an extended time may drink briefly between each dose of sand, but ceases to gain experience if it waits long enough to eat a meal. The effects of lack of food and water are described in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
The powerful energies within the sand tend to affect the material world around it. Each day that the bag sits open, there is a 20% chance that a large mass of surrounding inanimate matter will spontaneously be transformed to a simple creature. Plant matter (including dead and worked timber) or earth produces a gibbering mouther, stone or metal produces a crysmal, or a dead animal body may rise as a mummy.
The sand-created creatures do not attack those in a stupor due to the sand's influence, or who have been enraptured within the past 6 hours. They do attack and try to devour other animals in the vicinity. The creatures wander away from the bag of sand over the following days to trouble the lands around.
It is difficult to close the bag. Anyone attempting to do so may roll her normal grappling damage each minute, in an attempt to cause 3 points of subdual damage to the bag in a single attack. However, the bag has effective damage reduction of 5/+2 for this purpose. A creature that is unable to inflict the required amount of damage by a normal grappling attack cannot succeed. All creatures within 10 feet also must make saving throws against the sand's effects for every attempt to close the bag, as the shining substance is scattered about.
Bag of Worlds: This ordinary-looking bag conceals a gate to a large extra-dimensional space. The inner world initially contains a surface of dry earth and an atmosphere of breathable air, and is 100 yards in diameter.
Previous owners of the bag have not been able to resist exploiting this real estate by sending live people, animals, water, seeds and all manner of supplies in. This influx of life has revealed a minor defect in the bag's enchantment. It leaks a little, drawing inimical semi-living forms from the surrounding Astral Plane. The resulting deaths of Prime Material creatures and disruption of astral forms feed the substance of the inner world, which expands in radius by one yard for each hit die destroyed.
A previously made bag of worlds will have an inner space of 100+4d100 yards radius when found. The vegetation will grow to the greatest diversity allowed by the amount of water imported by the previous owner:
Forest with 1d3 ponds
Grassland with circular brook
Desert with no surface water
The inner world will be inhabited by the toughest creatures which have managed to survive the struggle for existence:
Numerous Fine-sized Prime vermin
1d20 minor astral forms
1 major astral form
1d6 Prime Material aberrations, animals, beasts, magical beasts, oozes or vermin of CR 3-5
1d10 Prime Material constructs, plants or undead of CR 4-7
3d10 hit dice of Prime Material humanoids or shapechangers
2d10 hit dice of Prime Material humanoids or shapechangers in a fortified compound
If there are more than 10 hit dice of Prime Material creatures inhabiting the inner world, 1d3 minor astral forms seep into the space each week. These creatures are equivalent to 1st-level astral constructs from the Psionics Handbook, with a randomly generated special ability from Table A. For every 10 minor forms present, there is a 20% chance each month that a major form will appear, equal to a 4th-level astral construct with a random special ability from Table B. (If the Psionics Handbook is not available, treat the astral forms as goblins and ogres respectively, with no Intelligence or Constitution score.) Major forms are natural predators of the minor forms, but both will hunt Prime Material animals by preference.